Contemporary Aboriginal Artist and Muralist
represented by 80:20 Artist Agency, Sydney
Living and Working on Unceded Kaurna Country - Adelaide, South Australia
Elizabeth Close is an Anangu woman from the Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara Language Groups, whose family links are to the communities of Pukutja and Amata in the APY Lands. Elizabeth was born in Adelaide but grew up in outback SA, returning to Adelaide to complete her secondary schooling, and attend university to complete a Bachelor of Nursing. In 2007, Elizabeth began to paint professionally and exhibit her work throughout Adelaide and her practice organically grew as she balanced nursing, art and motherhood. By 2014 she had built up a full-time arts practice, and after the birth of their second child, Elizabeth and her family relocated to the APY to reconnect with family, language and culture; something that is profoundly reflected in the evolution of her work. Currently, Elizabeth is a mid-career, Aboriginal Visual Artist living and working on Unceded Kaurna Country. She has spent the past 16 years crafting a dynamic and bold multi-disciplinary arts practice that speaks to the politics of Aboriginality, her own personal Connection to Country and the concept of connection to place and space more broadly; more specifically, how it relates to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander relationships with the landscape and ways of being and knowing. She works primarily in the mediums of 2D arts, large scale public art and digital media, and thrives in experimentation and challenge.
email: elizabethclosearts@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elizabethclosearts/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elizabethclosearts/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/eclosearts?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

80:20 Artist Agency
377 Parramatta Rd
Digital Catalogue:
Public art transcends power and privilege; It takes art off the walls of the wealthy and out of the galleries and tells the story of the community; it challenges ideas and perceptions; it's evocative and it takes bravery on the part of the artist
Elizabeth Close

Lightsview, SA